An introduction.

May this blog serve as a place for creative expression and the sharing of beautiful ideas. 


Melanie- It's Greek. People say I look Greek too, but I'm not. Well, I don't think I am, although I think I'd like to be. 

Anyway, I am Maltese and Italian by lineage and Irish by marriage. 

I am a Long Islander born and raised. Although, I am not quite sure how I feel about that just yet. I recently purchased, renovated, remodeled, and redecorated a foreclosed home on the Island's North Shore. It's nice. It's calm. I think it would be the only place I'd like to take ownership of around here. We are a little less than a mile away from the LI sound...hello winter water view! 

I am creative by nature. Growing up I loved creative writing and classic literature. Since then, my brain has kind of been cluttered with every day noise. 

Anyhow, a few years ago during a time of desperation (I had lost my job) I discovered my love for baking. From there, I started Sweet Rae's Cupcakes and was overjoyed by support and early success. Life happens though, and once I found my next and current full time gig...I put Sweet Rae's on hold. 

My husband is very supportive. He has pushed me to channel my young (and unemployed) mindset and start expressing myself creatively again. Since I started listening to him- I must admit that the excitement and passion that used to drive my manic behavior is BACK. 

I am the type of person who needs a project. Remodeling my house kept my mind happy for a while. I love creating something out of nothing. From there, I found the perfect dog to adopt- he even matches my decor! After nesting, training, and working to create an unbreakable now husband became my then fiancé. We planned our wedding in just about a year from our engagement date. It was fun, exhilarating, but I would never do it again. After our beautiful wedding at The Sagamore in Lake George concluded, I knew I'd be itching for my next endeavor.

While on our honeymoon in beautiful Quebec City, I got mistaken for a food blogger. My husband and I were treated as said food blogger and that was all I needed. 

Upon our return, I began @wood_mel_eat_here on Instagram. My goal was/is to share my thoughts on local restaurants, cafes, recipes, etc. It has done well so far, but I am ready to take the next step. 

And here we are. 

I envision this blog to be a place for sharing creative ideas. I plan to talk about multiple topics beginning with buying a foreclosure on Long Island and what the heck to do with it after you do.

I plan to share my thoughts on my favorite local spots, travel plans and itineraries, recipes, baking successes, fitness and health thoughts, remodel documentation, and more. 

Here's to coming full circle. De-cluttering my mind and embracing every thing I forgot I loved. 
